Chi siamo

La mission si esprime attraverso la ricerca della risposta più adeguata alle diverse sfide che l'architettura contemporanea pone continuamente.

L'unione tra il progetto architettonico e il restauro conservativo sono i punti di forza su cui si è delineata e concretizzata la visione di Attilio Giaquinto e Norberto Vairano.


Two studi consociati

G*AA Giaquinto

Vai al sito

G*AA GIAQUINTO ARCHITETTI ASSOCIATI è stata fondata nel 2000 e opera in tutto il mondo da allora, con clienti riconosciuti in continuo aumento fino a raggiungere l'attuale dimensione di 35 architetti e designer.

Vairano Studio

Vai al sito

Dal 1995 lo Studio Vairano Architettura è attivo nella Progettazione Architettonica e nel Restauro Conservativo. Lo studio ha ampliato il proprio panorama verso la progettazione d’interni, la rifunzionalizzazione di edifici storici vincolati e le iniziative culturali. La consolidata attività professionale, permette di gestire progetti e tematiche complesse, con gruppi di lavoro interni ed esterni alla struttura.


Membri attuali

Attilio Giaquinto


Attilio Giaquinto, graduated from Polytechnic of Turin and studied during university in Alvar Aalto campus in Finland. After that, he earned a Master's degree in Milan in the fields of Material And Interior Design and an EMBA in ESCP EUROPE. G*AA GIAQUINTO ARCHITETTI ASSOCIATI was founded in 2000 and has been working worldwide ever since with recognized clients keeping growing to reach the actual size of 35 architects and designers.

Norberto Vairano


Architect Norberto Vairano is the founder of the Studio Architettura Vairano since 1995. After his degree at the Polytechnic of Turin he started his career with professional internships at the office of Oscar Niemeyer in Rio De Janeiro and with other architects in Turin. He has focused his activity on projects of restoration and preservation of buildings under national protection Actually the Studio's staff is composed by 15 professionals.

Francesca Graglia

Senior architect

Freelance Architect, she obtained a double masters degree in 2015 at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago) and later at Politecnico di Torino. During her studies, she spent six months in Barcelona on Erasmus at the Escola Politècnica Superior d'Edificació de Barcelona. She becomes a licensed architect in 2018 and after several collaborations with studios in Turin, she joins the Architectural Solutions team since 2020.

Ambra Seghesio

Senior architect

Freelance Architect with a master degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic of Turin, graduated with honours in 2013 after a period of study, research and work in New York. After a period of work abroad, including at the VAS Architektura Studio in Vilnius, Lithuania, she returns to Turin and in 2016 she becomes a licensed architect and begins to collaborate with arch. Vairano. Since 2020, she has been working with Architectural Solutions.

Hanno collaborato qui

Matteo Patriarca

Project manager

Isabel Alberand


Martina Bunino

Architetto freelence

Matteo Missaglia

Architetto freelance

Valentina Garcia Hernandez


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